Web Applications and Technology - Course Evaluations

Online Course Evaluations - Overview

Please read this section for an overview of course evaluations. Subsequent sections contain details and background information.

  • In Fall 2013, UT Dallas implemented UT System's Guidelines for Student Evaluation. Evaluations follow these guidelines:
    • Classes of any type with 5 or more students are required to be evaluated.
    • Classes with less than 5 students will not be evaluated.
    • Lab courses are excluded from evaluation, unless they are combined lecture/lab courses or core curriculum courses, due to Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter N, Rule 4.227(10). However, schools and/or programs could request the lab courses to be evaluated by emailing wat@utdallas.edu.
    • The end-of-term evaluation period runs for a full two weeks. During this period, the evaluation system sends multiple emails reminders to students to complete evaluations. The course evaluation calendar is available on the UT Dallas UES Student Course Feedback Homepage.
    • The full open evaluation period is full seven weeks, unless the course is run for a limited time, e.g., a mini-session that may be run briefly for 10 days, before the active campaigning period whereby students can begin to complete their evaluations via CourseBook.
    • Note not all classes will be evaluated. Please check to see if the course is excluded as shown in the “Not finding Surveys for all of your classes” section on the UT Dallas UES Student Course Feedback Homepage.
    • Official grades can be viewed in Orion, the University’s official source, when they are posted according to the published academic calendar. Students may also view their unofficial grades in Coursebook and eLearning.
    • Instructors of record at their discretion may conduct in class evaluations. The evaluation system is mobile device enabled and works very well in a class setting. Please review the guidelines below for suggestions to perform in class evaluations.
  • During the evaluation period - response rates by school are available on the UT Dallas UES Student Course Feedback Homepage.

Suggestions for Performing in Class Evaluations

Instructors have the discretion to allocate class time for evaluations during the two weeks before the finals week. This is a great way to increase the course evaluation response rate. The two most common methods to access evaluations are via personalized email or via the Evaluations website. The Evaluations website method is the preferred method for in class evaluations because all students will have the same experience:

  1. Visit https://eval.utdallas.edu
  2. Click the “Login to Evaluate Your Classes” button and login using university NetID and Password.
  3. Click the button for the class you want to evaluate.

UT Systems' Guidelines for Student Evaluation (Implemented Fall 2013)

In response to UT Systems' Guidelines for Student Evaluation of Faculty (2013-08-26), the UT Dallas evaluation system (UES) and procedures have been updated to achieve compliance with both the required and recommended elements of the guidelines.

The UT System Task Force was created to identify a consistent method of evaluation across multiple institutions and derived a solution almost identical to the existing UES system in use at UT Dallas since 2011. UT Dallas' evaluation methodology and materials were provided to the UT System Task Force to aid in the development of the policies. The changes needed to meet all requirements and recommendations were minimal.

The combination of the Texas Education Code Section 51.974 end-of-course evaluation requirements with UT Dallas' institutional requirements results in the following policies for conducting evaluations at UT Dallas:

  • All undergraduate and graduate classes with 5 or more students must be evaluated.
  • Classes with 1-4 students will not be evaluated.
  • All classes designated as fulfilling a Texas General Education Core Curriculum must be evaluated regardless of student enrollment.
  • End-of-course evaluations start three weeks before the official grades are posted in Orion; the official grades posted dates are listed in the Academic Calendar.
  • End-of-course evaluations end the day before the official grades are posted in Orion as shown in the Academic Calendar.
  • All evaluations use an updated "UT Dallas CORE" survey instrument (originally designed by a Faculty Senate sub-committee in 2011). The updated instrument has been designated "CORE2".
  • CORE2is primarily a rearrangement of the original CORE survey with 2 additional questions, and 2 reworded questions.
  • Official grades can be viewed in Orion, the University's official source, when they are posted according to the published academic calendar. Students may also view their unofficial grades in CourseBook and eLearning.
  • Exceptions to the evaluation requirement are granted by the Provost. Requests must be made in writing (email) and need to provide a clear reason.

The updated evaluation process went into effect Fall 2013 (per UT System requirement).

Updated Survey - CORE 2: Questions (Fall 2013-onward)

  • The instructor clearly defined and explained the course objectives and expectations.
  • The instructor was prepared for each instructional activity.
  • The instructor communicated information effectively.
  • The instructor encouraged me to take an active role in my own learning.
  • The instructor was available to students either electronically or in person.
  • The instructor seemed genuinely interested in teaching.
  • The instructor provided timely feedback.
  • The instructor evaluated students fairly.
  • Overall, this instructor was excellent.
  • The course objectives were clearly defined.
  • The course was well organized.
  • Overall, the course was excellent.
  • I was free to ask questions and express my opinions and ideas.
  • My performance was evaluated fairly.
  • I discussed ideas from this course with others outside the classroom.
  • This course has been (or will be) of value to me.
  • This course inspired me to learn more.

How Online Evaluation Works

  • Students participate in class evaluations by filling out an online evaluation form.
  • Each registered student is permitted ONE EVALUATION for each class they take.
  • There are three ways for a student to gain access to their evaluation forms.
    • Method 1: All registered students can log in to CourseBook (coursebook.utdallas.edu) - the University’s official class information system - and access the form by clicking the "Evaluate Class" link. This link is only available to registered students of the class. Note: if the registered student drops the class or withdraws from the class, the link will no longer be available.
    • Method 2: All registered students will receive a personalized email at the beginning of the active campaign. The email contains a unique web link with one-click access to the evaluation form. Follow-up emails are sent to students who do not complete the evaluation (likewise students that do complete the evaluation will not receive additional emails).
    • Method 3: Instructors can send emails to students containing unique web links with CourseBook Mail.

What Departments and Schools Can Do

  • Make sure faculty understand how the evaluation system works. Each instructor should know that:
    • An email is sent to the student’s UT Dallas AND personal email addresses.
    • The email contains a single click URL link to perform a course evaluation.
    • Each student can only evaluate each class one time.
    • Students need to complete the evaluation before the end date and time as specified in the email or in the course evaluation calendar.
    • Evaluation responses are anonymous.
    • Because emails could be unreliable due to spam filters, etc., students need to know that they can complete an evaluation via CourseBook even without the email.
    • Emails will stop after the student completes the evaluations. Otherwise, the student will continue to receive emails inviting them to participate (usually 3-4 rounds of email are sent).
  • Instructors should inform their students (in class, via email, eLearning, class blog, etc.):
    • That online course evaluations are taking place.
    • That evaluations are an important part of improving the course in the future.
    • That student opinion is valued and has actual material impact at the university.
    • Encourage students to submit an evaluation as soon as possible.

What Individual Instructors Can Do

  • Consider performing evaluations during one of the final class sessions.
  • To insure high response rates and quality results, please inform your students that online course evaluations are being conducted and to expect an email from the UES system with instructions and a one-click-link to directly access the evaluation form.
  • Students need to know how simple the process is, that it is anonymous, and how important their contribution is.
  • The best response rate and quality comments come from classes where the instructors have taken an interest in the evaluation process. Indicating interest directly to the students and emphasizing the importance of the evaluation results works.

How to Monitor Evaluation Progress

Anyone can use CourseBook to check the current status and progress of evaluations. Here is one easy method that instructors can use to monitor the progress of evaluation for their classes:

  • Access https://coursebook.utdallas.edu
  • Click the MY CLASSES tab.
  • Click the LOGIN TO COURSEBOOK link. This will open the network authentication page.
  • Login using your NetID and password. You will be returned to CourseBook.
  • Click the EVALUATE CLASS link for the class you would like the status on.
  • Classes undergoing evaluation will have response rate (example below):
The evaluation progress view

How to Determine Who has Participated in Evaluations

Evaluation responses are always anonymous; however, participation status is not (similar to the US election system). Therefore, it is possible to see which students have participated in evaluations when the course has at least 5 students who have completed evaluations.

  • Access https://coursebook.utdallas.edu
  • Click the MY CLASSES tab (login if necessary).
  • Click the CLASS LIST link for the class you would like the status on.
  • If 5 or more students have completed evaluations – the class list will have a 0 or 1 in the EVAL column. 1 indicates that one evaluation has been submitted (i.e., the student has participated).
Student participation view